Mum and dad have started to drive in Delhi. Dads the one that usually drives. When Mum does drive we tend to make sure we are wearing our seatbelts. It almost is like she aims for the potholes. One time we got a flat tire when Mum was and Mum just sat in the car while Dad and Sam sorted it all out. Mum says she is a better driver though because Dad has bumped a number of cars let alone people!
We are kind of used to seeing people hanging out of the doors of buses but the other day we saw people hanging on to the bars across the windows at the back of the bus. So if you were one of the people on the bus and you looked out the back window you would see some people hanging there...for dear life.
We have seen some cycle rickshaws packed with some weird stuff. My two favorite would be the time when we saw a guy on a cycle rickshaw with his broken down motorbike and all we could say was, "How the heck did they get it on there?"
We have also seen a number of goats on cycle rickshaws!
All the trucks here seem to have a little bit of a tilt as they really like to pack stuff on them. I once saw one that looked like it was about to fall over. We have also seen a truck that had driven straight into the concrete diversion after making his "which way do I go?" choice too late.
We have seen a number of dead dogs on the road with their guts coming out. We have also seen a buffalo sitting on the road with is guts coming was about to die. But my favorite is when we see a dead cow. Yes cows cross the road and people stop for them but this is a time where that probably didn't happen. One ordinary day when we were driving home from Splash...what did we see? A dead cow lying on the medium strip. It had its legs in the air its tummy was bloated and it looked like a balloon, and its eyes were crossed and all goofy, but no guts. We actually once saw a car with a trailer on the back of it which was filled with dead cows!
Hope you can see why I like driving in Delhi and what unusual things happen!
Talk soon,